Joined: 24 Jan 2013 11:32
Location: Zg
Volvo: 244 DL
Ulje za mjenjače M40, M45, M46, M47
Kole wrote:Obrati paznju na to menjacko ulje. 98% majstora i prodavaca koji nisu specijalizovani za volvo ce ti nehotice uvaliti klasicno menjacko ulje tipa sae 90 ili 80W90. A to je skoro sigurna brza smrt za 5. brzinu ovog menjaca. U tvoj menjac ide sinteticko VOLVO ulje 1161324 ili u zameni ATF tip F ili tip G. A ova ulja je tesko naci...
PS. Bolje da i ne menjas to ulje u menjacu nego da sipas pogresno.
Slična mišljenja sam vidio na još nekim forumima, ali isto tako na mnogo mjesta se gura ulje sae 80W90.
Pa evo par različitih mišljenja:
Kako meni treba ulje za M40 mjenjač, zvao sam MotoRis (Volvo servis) i rekli su mi iz servisa da u sve te starije mjenjače i diferencijale ide obični HIPENOL, tj. sae 80W90.
br. 2
Na stranicama firme Comma Oil deklariraju da za ručni mjenjač M45, M46, M47 ide ulje AQF (Automatic transmission fluid), a za stražnji diferencijal EP80W-90 GL-5 ili LS80W-90 GL-5.
br. 3
All 140 series Volvos (without overdrive) equipped with the M40 gearbox use SAE 80 gear oil, or if none is available, SAE 30 engine oil. All 140 series Volvos with overdrive and all 1800 series Volvos equipped with the M410 gearbox use SAE 30 or SAE 20W-40 engine oil. Model 164 Volvos, without overdrive, and equipped with the M400 gearbox use SAE 90 gear oil or SAE 40 engine oil.
1975 240 series Volvos equipped with the M40 transmission use SAE 80W/90 or SAE 80/90 gear oil, while all 1975 240 series Volvos equipped with the M41 overdrive transmission use SAE 30 or SAE 20W-40 oil.
On a number of 1976 240 series and 260 series models equipped with the M45 transmission and the M46 overdrive transmission, the transmissions are filled with SAE 80W/90 or SAE 80/90 gear oil, while all other M45 and M46 transmissions (used on 1976-88 models) are filled with Type F or Type G automatic transmission fluid. You are reading that correctly; automatic transmission fluid in a manual (stick shift) transmission. An easy way to tell if the transmission uses gear oil or ATF is: on ATF filled transmissions, the figure eight shaped flat casting located at the filler plug is stamped "ATF-OIL" in white. Do not attempt to use gear oil in these transmissions, or vice versa. The M47 5-speed transmission introduced in 1987 also uses Type F or G fluid.
br. 4 (Volvo instruction book for M40/M41)
The oil level in to the transmission should be checked after every 3,000 miles
(5,000 km). The oil level should be up to the filler hole.
The oil in the transmission should be changed after every 12,500 miles (20,000
km).(In the case of a new or reconditioned transmission, the oil should be changed
after the first 3,000 miles (5,000 km) and the transmission should also be carefully
rinsed out with flushing oil)
The old oil should be drained off immediately after the car has been run while the oil
is still warm. Every other time the oil is changed, the transmission should be cleaned
out with flushing oil before the new oil is added.
When draining off the oil from a transmission fitted with an overdrive, note that there
is an extra drain plug under the overdrive marked “Drain”. When oil is being added it
takes some time for the oil to run into the overdrive and for this reason the filling
should be carried out relatively slowly. Each time the oil us changed, the overdrive oil
strainer should be cleaned – see servicing procedure 25 page 25
Do not use hypoid oil in the transmission.
M40 Transmission oil SAE 80 (all year round) 0.75 litres
M41 Engine oil SAE 30 (all year round) 1.8 litres
Ako sam ja dobro skužio za M40 ide SAE 80, a za M45, M46 i M47 treba koristiti ATF. Ispravite me ako sam u krivu.